"No such object"
Hi there. I'm trying to use a subpatcher from the toolbox AudioRoutings ( https://cycling74.com/articles/audio-routings-a-new-system-for-multi-channel-routing-in-ableton-live ). There is an instance (an object created by that team) which lists all the possible audio tracks in Live. I would like to use that list (therefore that object) for a project of mine. On the object is written that, in order to uset, it is sufficient to copy it into a subpatcher. However, when I do this, some related objects become unusable, and I get written "No such object" in the console. Any possible solution? Thanks!
Sorry to necropost, but I'm experiencing this now. Did you ever find a solution?
Ah. After hours of searching and troubleshooting, of course it would be right after I added to a forum post that I found the solution. In case anyone else stumbles on this post, I will share the solution.
By coping the BrowseRouting abstraction into a bpatcher, you are copying that and only that. "RoutingObjects" itself is an abstraction contained within BrowseRouting, and is not copied when BrowseRouting is. So, to fix the problem, you will have to place a copy of RoutingObjects.maxpat into the "patchers" folder of the project you are working on. On mac, that folder is:
users > [username] > documents > Max 8 > Max for Live Devices > [project] > patchers
I've attached a copy of the abstraction!