Can Max Jitter read the vertex color information of 3D models?

DaSheng Hen's icon

I made an fbx model with vertex color information, imported it into max and tried to use various attributes in "" and "", but I still cannot read the vertex color information. Does max jitter support this function ?

Max Patch
Copy patch and select New From Clipboard in Max.

Here is my attempt along with the model file.

I tested in Blender, Touchdesigner, Unreal, the model and vertex color information is valid, and the call is simple.

I just came into contact with max and found that its logic is very special. I would like to know how to call the vertex color information of the 3d model in max. Thank you very much for your help.

Rob Ramirez's icon

Unfortunately this is not currently supported by the loader. I will register a feature request to support this in a future update.

In the meantime, I have a project that uses threejs via node-js to import PLY point cloud files. In theory it should be fairly trivial to swap the PLY importer with an FBX importer. Let me know if you're interested in that and I can look into it.

DaSheng Hen's icon

Thank you for your answer. I hope this feature can be added in the future. It is very common in other tools. I believe it will be very helpful for max to connect with other tools.

ply.loader is great. I will try it!