Gen Send/Receive Latency

sgblm's icon


Just wanted to ask, when using send/receive locally in a gen patch, is it compiled the same as if patch cables were used, i.e. no increased latency?

I like using lots of sends/receives to keep patches looking tidy but I don't want it affecting performance.

Thanks :)

👽'tW∆s ∆lienz👽's icon

while i don't have the 'official' answer, it can be assumed by this context: in msp, send~ and receive~ only have latency if you create a feedback loop, but in gen~, you cannot even create a feedback loop with 'send' and receive' alone in the same way, you have to put a 'history' object in between('history' is only always one sample of latency, whereas in msp, send~/receive~ feedback loops introduce latency equal to the signal-vector size set in your 'AudioOptions'). therefore, it feels by this behavior, alone, that there would be absolutely no latency introduced by using them(without feedback loops). just be careful with creating feedback loops when using them, because gen~ doesn't seem to post errors about that, it just goes silent, you always need something like 'history' to create a feedback loop successfully in gen~: