Help with creating a Vocoder on Max
I am looking for someone to help me with recreating this Sennheiser VSM-201 emulation as a Max4Live device. A vocoding wizard YouTuber by the name of Cmyth created it on Reaper:
I reached out to this person directly to see if he would be able to recreate this in Ableton, which he attempted to do but it didn't come out quite right. I still have the Ableton project file that he sent me if it would be helpful to look at. Luckily, in the YouTube video, while Cmyth demonstrates his vocoder he explains what is going on under the hood a bit.
There are a few plugins that are used to create this sound, including Fab Filter Pro Q 3. The other plugins he used are free, but Pro Q 3 is not. I imagine these plugins may have to be built into the Max4Live plugin to work. I am a Mac user, so whichever third party plugins may be used in this recreation must be Mac compatible.
If anybody feels this is doable please reach out!
You may have a look at Delicious MAXMSP Tutorial #4 ;-) :
Thank you for sending this!