How to set an array of long to jitter matrix properly?

esnho's icon


I'm trying to set an array of long to a jitter matrix but looks like the values have a weird offset.

I've wrote a gist with a snippet of code that can reproduce the isse.
It basically fills the matrix with a counter value.

And attached below you can see the difference between reading the matrix from a Max object and printing the values directly from C, what's going on?

Any help would be very appreciated.

Rob Ramirez's icon

i believe you need to set 2 flags in the matrix info struct in order to successfully execute your code


since your creating as data-reference, you also need to explicitly set the matrix size:

info.size = info.dim[0] * info.planecount * SIZE_INT32;

the other tricky bit is long as your data array type is not correct on all platforms. long data type in jitter is actually implemented as int (actually t_int32). and not on all platforms is sizeof(long) == sizeof(int).

so you should create an int array instead of long, and pass that to the matrix data call.

give that a try and let us know if that works.

esnho's icon

That's works well, I've commented the gist to reflect the changes.

It also works well using float as type.

Many thanks!