jit.gl.pbr Heightmap (parallax) upgrades in Max 9 ?
Hi developers,
thank you for this inspirational upgrade.
I was very much looking forward to the announced upgrade to jit.gl.pbr's parralax-mode as mentioned two years ago in this video here (Matteo Marsen, 12:30 ff):
which would enable us to displace geometry as is possible with jit.gl.material using heightmap-textures.
Perhaps I am not clever enough to find the correct method on how to use textures to displace geometry using jit.gl.pbr, however, the helppatch for jit.gl.pbr still states that only matrices are supported while textures are in fact supported and the parallax-mode can only be flagged without further options — hence the displacement does not take place. Is there something I am overlooking? Or will it be part of a future upgrade/update?
If I where super experienced in shader coding, perhaps I could implement heightmap displacement myself, but since it (apparently) didn't make it into this upgrade of Max, it is likely to be a bit more challenging than an afternoon's coffee-session ^^
Guidance highly appreciated, thanks!