Jit.gl.pix colour track / mask / chromakey

dunk's icon

Trying to figure out how I might use jit.gl.pix to track particular colours from one video source to mask other multiple video sources. Any help appreciated.

Max Patch
Copy patch and select New From Clipboard in Max.

2K's icon

Why don't you just have fix colors for each rotating square and then chromakey each + composite. Otherwise just change the color of the chroma keyer with the data from the swatches as well. There are a few jit.gl.pix chromakeys arround.

dunk's icon

Hi. Thanks so much for you reply. This is part of a much bigger project and I'm just streamlining the patch here to address the issue I'm having trouble with. I've had a look at the Vizzie (and encapsulated jit.gl.slab) option but this won't achieve multiple colour trackings. Here's a version with the R and G channels being 'swiz'ed to mask each video. But I'm looking to 'swiz' particular RGB swatches. I've been through lots of jit.gl.pix tutorials and examples but I just can't quite figure out what I need. I've looked at Pedro Santo's Chromakey patch and also some jit.pix options. I'd love to be able to achieve this in jit.gl.pix. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Max Patch
Copy patch and select New From Clipboard in Max.

2K's icon

Something like this?

Max Patch
Copy patch and select New From Clipboard in Max.

dunk's icon

Yes! Thanks soooo much 2K. I was trying to reverse engineer your jit.pix smooth chromakey patch from a while ago and kept failing. This has solved so many queries for me. Deep gratitude ; )

2K's icon

Oh great! I'm glad that was it, I wasn't sure. You are welcome!

2K's icon

Oh great! I'm glad that was it, I wasn't sure. You are welcome!