Lobjects again available
I have finally gotten the time to post the updated versions of my Lobjects on my website peterelsea.com
For those who are not familiar with the Lobjects, they were written in the early days of Max, when few objects were included, especially methods for manipulating lists. Since my own work is list intensive (Fuzzy Logic, anyone?) I wrote a series of list objects to do simple math, set and retrieve values and so on. Pretty soon my students and Max users worldwide began making suggestions and by the end of the century I had more than a hundred. Since then DZ and the crew have added quite a few to the base set, many addressing functions similar to the Lobjects, most packed into the zl object.* However, I've kept such objects in the set for backward compatibility. Since my retirement in 2013, the Lobjects have languished, but thanks to Alfonso Santimone and Jeremy Bernstein they are up to date despite constant changes in hardware and OS.
*Note that my last name is pronounced as the two letters LZ. However, I doubt that the rumor that zl stands for reverse engineered Elsea is strictly true.
everything "Z" is always a bit suspicious around here.
it could stand for zybinszki, zach, zoax (the zl.rev of xaoz), and many other b-zelebrities such as zsolt, zorro, zicarelli, you name it.
if you take two of them and turn them for 90 degrees using jit-rota you get "NN"!
You know, I intended to submit these to our Package Manager 2 years ago. And got distracted. If you are still interested in that, let's do it!
I think that zl is "zicarelli list".
The link is rerouted to a 3rd party website which has nothing to do with the Lobjects or Peter Elsea.
http link works
https ends into bushes because of missing certificate
Thanks Peter. Great to have these objects up to date.
Yep, http it is. I need to get that sorted out.
Let’s do it. Tell me what you need.
@Jeremy--I've been out of for health reasons. Can we get a package?