Saving and Recalling snapshots with track parameters
Hi, I'm trying to create a device that should save snapshots of the volume and pan of each track in Live, so that I can quickly switch between the different options and choose the best one.
At the press of a button the device should create a point / snapshot with the current state of Track Volume / Pan parameters, creating a unique name for each entry.
How could I implement such a device? Give me a hint?
Hello Evan
Here is a device saving/recalling, the vol and pan of the first 64 tracks, incuding return tracks.
shift+click a preset to save a snapshot
alt+shift+click to erase a preset
schlam, Hi!
Thank you so much!
Your patch made me think of a task I haven't been able to realize yet and it seems [Poly~] is designed for this....
I've been looking for a long time for a way to monitor the changes of the property file_path in Simper device inside each chain (0-127) of Drum Rack.
Is it possible to implement this with [Poly~], what do you think?
I don't know, you have to try =)
It is maybe possible, you can adapt the patch in the poly~ to monitor this property. If this property is not observable, the console will say it to you..
Oh, I can just freeze the device)