set init values on Faderfox EC4 and in patch
I've made a device in M4L whose parameters I control with a Faderfox EC4. Mostly it works great.
I am trying to set up an init button that would send starting values to the parameters in the patch and to the EC4. I am doing this to avoid parameter jumps when the controller and parameters have gotten out of sync (on startup, or if I've been editing some things in the patch).
As of now, I am using udpsend to send data to a Max patch which sets the value to the EC4. It works but it's not very elegant.
I feel like there is another way to do this that I am overlooking. What am I missing?
thanks for any advice
As far as I know, if you use the Live builtin MIDI mapping feature to map your EC4 to whatever control you want (in your M4L device or other places), it will send a feedback to all MIDI output devices with "Remote" enabled in Live MIDI preferences. So no need to handle MIDI mapping in Max at all, just make sure that "Remote" is enabled for your EC4 output in Live MIDI preferences.