tackling poly~ and this poly~
I have moderate succes trying to tackle poly~ ( it's a lot more confusing compared to pd clone~ )
For some reason the makenote into pack is not providiing enough information ,I need to append it with a midi format module and use the rightmost outlet for poly~ , thispoly~ to work
Is the prefix midievent 144 (which is part of the midiformat message ) so important for thispoly~
After all it just needs mid pitch data and velocity and gate on-off

just use [prepend note] after the [pack]
it is confusing because nowadays there are 3 or more different methods.
when you build something more unorthodox and when you do not require to have standard functionality such as intelligent voice stealing, you can limit yourself to the "target" message, which means that you control the "voice on" messages from outside the poly.
I just want to know why the midievent 144 is so important for poly~ to function properly .
Is it because I am using a liveadsr ~ , ?
Why is unpacking a makenote not sufficient ?
it's utterly confusing

it is the poly~ object itself which understand this kind of messages and does the voicing with it.
(maybe you remember my post from the midievent thread: it first was present only in vst~, and only there is it mandatory.)
poly~ would also understand "target 3, 60. 0.7".