Track name change happening on device deletion from same live track

Leo Monti's icon

So basically this patch should receive the parent track's name and remove it's first letter. As the title says, this event should happen right between someone pressing "del" on live (or any form of deletion command) and the device actually being deleted.

Max Patch
Copy patch and select New From Clipboard in Max.

I can't for the life of my wrap my head around editing or changing the priority queue.

Source Audio's icon

sure you can't.

device gets deleted before it can do anything.

You must make different logic to this all.

Maybe insert permanent device which monitors other devices in a track and

renames the track based on some rules, like track-blabla-11 if 11 devices are


Leo Monti's icon

Yeah I figured

I imagine that there's no easy workaround for this.

I had thought about making a monitor device, but being this a utility I'm building, I don't want the installation process and daily use to be too harsh on the user.

I guess I can't access priority queues but maybe with some sort of running status loop i can achieve the same effect (?)

Source Audio's icon

Only way I can think off is to insert a device into master track,

and monitor deleted devices, then act on track where it resided.