Lionel -
If i round the delay time in samples to the nearest int, it works as expected, indeed Should have figured that out by myself...
Graham Wakefield -
The response here might help?
Deliverer -
I managed to make it work by splitting the jit.gen output in two different parts: One outlet for incremental feedback, and another with the...
Max Waters -
Thanks, will start adding a title, let's see what happens!
zuei -
I am experimenting with the technique described in the "gen~.dynamicexpr" patch in the gen examples folder (on-the-fly replacement of...
Da Xu -
Delay and history definition order - Error in Rnbo, but not Max
Reilly Shellito -
Whoops, I forgot to disconnect the multiplier like I noted in the gen patcher. It should be like this [Image: Screenshot 2024-08-10 at...
ShelLuser -
Hi gang! No, manuals aren't for wussies these days anymore, they're for pro's. There's a reason why we can access the reference section...
Martin D -
I forgot about the code tab, thanks for reminding me. I'm still new to max. Yes, the 'return' should definitely not be omitted. I'll...
Tom Hall -
@martind it's working here on 8.6.2