Friendly Coder -
I started all over and now it's working, using the vexpr object to get the "inbetween" values. Just surprised on how rather complicated...
Source Audio -
post your patches in compressed form. select all - edit - copy compressed- paste here. otherwise one has to download your patch to local...
Max Waters -
This seems like something that should be easy but I can't figure out. I'm trying to pass an attribute to a patcher wrapped in a...
Kyle Turgeon -
hey source audio! thanks for the reply. i had a source audio reflex expression pedal years ago that was amazing! slimmed down the...
Roman Thilenius -
here is correct math for amplitudes. [Image: grafik.png ] prerequisite is that the speakers are in a circle (= same distance to center aka...
Wil -
Use [switch] snapshot is 'hot' [Video] Screen Recording 2025-01-28 at 11.32.31 AM.mp4
Yvonne -
Hi, I'm a beginner in MaxMSP, I have to make an audio project for school, and the audio decided to randomly stop working today. I was...
Just Evan -
Hi! I have a patch that uses JS, on different systems it crashes Ableton Live, but I found that if you open the patch edit mode, this...
Guido Pannekoek -
Thank you very much!
22050 -> 512 buffer size argument is in ms