Max Packages

Beam for Max: Lighting Control Solution

Designed by our friends at Showsync, Beam for Max is a fully integrated lighting engine that lets you use your Max patches to control your show's lighting rig.

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Beam for Max

Hardware Packages

Hardware Package Description Placeholder to showcase

Beam for Max

by Showsync

Beam for Max is a fully integrated lighting control solution for Cycling ‘74’s Max. Create audiovisual works with synchronized interaction between light, sound and visuals.


by Jean-Michaël Celerier & Mathieu Chamagne

Process UltraLeap hand tracking data in Max

Eventide H9000

by Eventide Audio

Support for the H9000 multi-fx processor using Gen.

Max Hardware Library

by Matthew Hamilton

Library of utility objects for MaxMSP aimed at interacting with electronics hardware like Arduino via Bluetooth


by Jeff Kaiser

A set of abstractions made with standard Max objects for interacting with Keith McMillen Instrument’s SoftStep within the Max environment.


by Jeff Kaiser

Abstractions for interacting with Novation's Launchpad X within the Max environment.

jk.push 2

by Jeff Kaiser

jk.push 2 is a set of abstractions made with standard Max objects for interacting with Ableton’s Push within the Max environment.


by Cycling '74

Connect to Sensel Morph control surfaces.


by Cycling '74

Tools to build and deploy Gen effects on the MOD Duo pedal from MOD Devices.


by Graham Wakefield

Virtual Reality HMDs for Max


by Cycling '74

The OWL package is a collection of patches formatted and ready to be uploaded directly to your Rebel Technology OWL hardware device.


by Cycling '74

Mirror your Max patch on any device that is running a modern web browser.