Machine Learning Packages
by IRCAM & ISMM Team
CataRT-MuBu is a collection of Max patches for corpus-based concatenative synthesis, audio mosaicing, descriptor analysis, transcription, and composition (MuBu package required).
by FluCoMa
Fluid Corpus Manipulation instigates new musical ways of exploiting ever-growing banks of sound and gestures within the digital composition process -- a DSP and machine learning toolset.
by IRL Labs
A library of machine learning externals and feature extraction externals for Max and Pure Data. ml-lib is primarily based on the Gesture Recognition Toolkit by Nick Gillian
MuBu For Max
by ISMM Team & IRCAM
A toolbox for Multimodal Analysis of Sound and Motion, Interactive Sound Synthesis and Machine Learning.
by Benjamin D. Smith
Unsupervised machine learning algorithms to support on-line learning, and real-time interactive music and video, aimed at the computer artist and musician.
by Jean-Marc Pelletier
A collection of max/msp/jitter externals, abstractions and help files for computer vision applications originally authored by Jean-Marc Pelletier.