Max Packages

Beam for Max: Lighting Control Solution

Designed by our friends at Showsync, Beam for Max is a fully integrated lighting engine that lets you use your Max patches to control your show's lighting rig.

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Beam for Max

Video Packages


by Tom Whiston

OpenGL REPL for creating livecoding style interactions with Max patches


by Timo Hoogland

av-toolbox is package of small abstractions to assist you in creating realtime audiovisual works.

Jitter Tools

by Cycling '74

Jitter Tools - utilities and abstractions to extend Jitter


by Vidvox

Jitter external that renders ISF files to OpenGL textures.

Delicious Tutorials

by Sam Tarakajian

The Delicious Max tutorial series, as a Max package


by Cycling '74

With VIZZIE, you just grab a few simple modules, connect them together and almost instantly have a VJ rig or interactive video work, complete with real-time effects.

by Benjamin D. Smith

Unsupervised machine learning algorithms to support on-line learning, and real-time interactive music and video, aimed at the computer artist and musician.


by Graham Wakefield

Virtual Reality HMDs for Max

A tool-set for Max that includes functions for DSP, 3D-geometry, C-string, math, constants, angle/color conversions, file system and list operation, as well as some shorthand and utility objects.


by Kevin Kripper

A series of modules built around Gen that together make a modular video synthesizer.

Max for the Visual Arts

by Nicolas Marechal

A self-learning tool and a repository for the Max patches made or used at the London College of Communication | University of the Arts London, United Kingdom.


by Masato Tsutsui

A collection of audio-responsive OpenGL rendering patches from visuals master Masato Tsutsui. Clap your hands after launching.