RNBO 1.3.4 Release Notes
This page contains a record of fixed bugs and added features.
If you know of an issue which is outstanding or you would like to report a bug, please fill out our Bug Reporting Form or contact our Support team here: support@cycling74.com
Release Notes
Max Version
Max 9.0.5 or later is recommended for use with RNBO 1.3.4.
Fixed Bugs
- AU Plugin Export: fixed MIDI chunking issues
- gen~: fixed issues with variable names with dot characters
- multibuffer~: fixed crash when deleting object when referencing @buffers
- Param Connect: fixed potential deadlocks / crashes
- Parameters: fixed potential deadlocks in the context of Max for Live
- RNBO Runner: sysex input works as expected
- Web Export: fixed TypeError after calling setPreset()