"Error 126 loading external jit.viddll.engine" in Windows Standalone (on some machines...)
As I've gotten to fight a long time with this problem, and I've just figured out a solution, I write it here to help other people having a similar issue !
PROBLEM : When I build standalones for Windows of some of my patches doing video processing, it happens that they work on some machines and not on others.
Investigating this issue, I've discovered that there is a problem in Max Console saying "Error 126 loading external jit.viddll.engine" (and some other error 126 for other video externals) when I launch the standalone.
In fact, the problem is that these externals (included in Max distribution) are developed on Visual Studio and rely on some DLL (but the error 126 doesn't give this explanation).
SOLUTION : All you have to do is to add msvcp120.dll and msvcr120.dll in the same folder as your standalone.
The attached DLL are working for Max 8.1 (64 bits version). With other versions of Max, you may have to use other versions of the DLL...
PS : it would be nice that Cycling74 developers find a way to include theses files automatically on standalone build.
PS: This is still an issue with Max 8.1.5
thanks for the report. I thought we had this fixed in 8.1.5 but I'll take another look.
Hey J Gaston,
I'm having a similar issue. When you say "add msvcp120.dll and msvcr120.dll in the same folder as your standalone", do you mean the user of the application should do this, or I should do this when I'm compiling the standalone?
Hey all, can confirm that this is still an issue on Max 8.1.10.
On some Windows machine I'm receiving the errors:
Error 126 loading external clang
Error 126 loading external gl3
Following on the question by Martin: where should those libraries be placed in order for them to work?
Thank you!
I believe in the same folder as the standalone exe file
I get this error in Max 8 when I try to access ppooll even after downloading the .dll files and pasting them in my ppooll folder. Does anyone have any insight here? I'm new to Max/MSP and ppooll and am eager to use it. Thanks!
Error 126 loading external ll_number
ll_number: ll_number: no such object
ll_number: ll_number: no such object
ll_number: ll_number: no such object
shell: compiled Tue Feb 19 16:49:52 2019
udpreceiver: binding to port 7400
Wow, thanks for this information, which is still valid in 2024.
It helped to solve a mysterious problem with HAP which I had, while upgrading an old installation to new hardware and updating the Max standalone as well.
I had trouble loading jit.hap.engine (Error 126) and placing msvcp120.dll and msvcr120.dll next to the exe of my standalone (build with Max 8.6.5) got rid of the error message (and jit.movie is actually using hap not viddll). (I used the downloads from above from Jérémie, still working!)
This error is difficult to spot since it apparently doesn't occur on all machines and viddll is used as fallback . On my laptop, Win 11 everything is fine, on the Win10 machine for the installation I have the error.
Also: Opening the hap-launcher helpfile (hap 1.0.7) from the package manager immediately causes "Error 126 loading external jit.hap.engine" and jit.movie uses viddll.
When I place the dll files next to Max.exe (Program Files/Cycling '74/Max 8/ or Max 9) the problem is gone and I can use the hap.engine.
Tested on Win10, Max 8.6.5 and Max 9.0.0 (Win10 Enterprise, Version 1809, 13th Gen i7, Nvidia T1000, Max and Win are fresh installed)
As Federico mentioned: Apparently this applies only to "some machines" - on my Win11 Laptop everything works as expected without any dll files!?
that runtime dll's are not exclusive to max.
Some might have them installed in windows, some not.
Placing all dll's next to exe file is best cure for standalone apps
and max itself.
I keep all max versions archived like this, and need not to worry about dll files