Change order of parameter mapping

joe mugg's icon

I'm trying to customize a device called "Sixteen Macros", but need some guidance on the patcher code.

My midi controller automatically controls any highlighted device in Live, with the 1st knob auto-mapping to the 1st parameter, the 2nd knob to the 2nd parameter, and so on. But with "Sixteen Macros", the auto-mapping order is:

  • knobs 1, 2, ... 6, 7 --> parameters 10, 11, ... 15, 16 (in that order)

  • knobs 8, 9, ... 13, 14 --> parameters 2, 3, ... 7, 8 (in that order)

  • knobs 15, 16 --> parameters 1, 9 (in that order)

This funky order happens with multiple controllers, and doesn't happen with Live's built-in macros, so it must be due to some bug in this particular MFL device's code. If so, it should be easily modifiable, but I just can't figure out which aspect of the code determines this mapping order.

Can anyone advise? The device is free if you want to take a look yourself:

double_UG's icon

change the "Automap Index" in the Inspector of the Live.Dail´s.

joe mugg's icon

That sounds simple enough. But where is this "Automap(ping?) Index" in Max 7?

I've attached a screenshot of what I'm looking at - I'd expect to see "Automap Index" in the inspector to the right when I right-click on the dial object. Is the bpatcher inspector somehow different from the live.dial inspector?

Apologies if my question is asinine, I'm completely new to Max.

double_UG's icon

select the dial, click on the (i) on the right side or Strg I to open the inspector, select "all", its the last parameter in the list

double_UG's icon

Ok i see there is another problem. The dail´s are in "Bpatcher", and you cant set the Automapindex in the Bpatcher.
sorry i have no solution for this.

joe mugg's icon

Hm... So I followed your directions exactly, but I just got the bpatcher inspector again instead of the live.dial inspector, same as my previous screenshot.

That inspector shows most the info in your screenshot's live.dial inspector, but doesn't have any colorful bars, and most importantly, no "Parameter" subsection. There's nothing that says "hidden" like there is for you, including the Automapping Index.

joe mugg's icon

NVM. After a bit more Max studying, I've figured out a way around my problem. Thanks for your assistance.

Sonoran Music Devices's icon


Did you ever get this sorted? If so, I would be grateful if you would share your solution. I have run into the exact same issue. I really want the parameters in Sixteen Macros to map to Push in a rational way. :)

Many thanks!

S4racen's icon

Believe you'll have to embed each bpatcher separately and change the order parameter in each...

It will increase the size of the device somewhat...


4eyez's icon

I'm having a similar problem. For the life of me I can't find the "Automapping Index" attribute in the Parameter section of the Inspector. "Automated and Stored" is there, but that's the end of the list, nothing below that.

I'm specifically trying to both reorder the parameters of an existing M4L device and add other parameters that do not currently show up on my Push. For example, a number of the modules from the DrumSynth devices in the Max For Live Essentials only have 8 parameters visible on the Push. I was hoping to add the other ones that aren't currently displaying and possibly reorder them in a more logical way. I found this thread of people talking about it:

The part that is really driving me crazy is I actually tested this and succeeded in doing it a couple months ago, found the "Automapping index" attribute and did all the above. But I recently update everything (Max 7.1, Live 9.5) and now that I'm coming back to this it's not working.

None of these are in bpatchers btw. I opened a new Max patch from scratch, added a live.dial and checked the Inspector, still no dice.


mothergarage's icon

in the inspector, right below the search field, there are four tabs. select "All" and you should be able to see the Automapping Index at the bottom of the list.

4eyez's icon

Oh, I am definitely in the "All" tab and I am definitely scrolled all the way to the bottom of the list. I've attached a pic so you can see that it's not there:

S4racen's icon

It's the Order Parameter...


4eyez's icon

Nope, "Order" has no effect on what order the parameters appear in Live on devices like Push, etc, despite how logical a name like that would be. Only "Automapping Index" seems to have the intended effect. "Order" is for something else.

I did figure out a workaround of sorts though. If you open a .amxd directly in Max either by double-clicking it or using File>Open then "Automapping Index" doesn't show up. BUT if you open the .amxd in Live then hit the edit button in the device window that opens it in live with the "Automapping Index" visible. I guess that's the difference between Max and Max For Live. Seems odd though, that the full set of parameters wouldn't be available in Max official.

Evan's icon

Max has no concept of Live's API on its own, so it doesn't really make sense for that parameter to be visible in Max.

chapelier fou's icon

Did something change since 2016 ?

I can't find the "Automapping Index" attribute anymore.