M4L Devices Stop Working After Going From Max 8 to Max 9?

Hugo Window's icon

So I use the latest Ableton Live Suite (12.1.5), and if I choose the bundled version under "Max Application", the devices that doesn't require Max 9 are working perfectly (the bundled version is Max 8), but if I choose the folder path of Max 9, only the plugins that require Max 9 are working. For example, the device called "Bouncy Notes" from the "Inspired By Nature" pack doesn't work after I switch to Max 9, even if I reinstall the whole pack. Is there something I could do, or do I need to wait until the bundled version of Live is updated to Max 9?

Greg Ross's icon

You’ll have to wait for the device to be updated or if it’s a bug you’ll have to wait for the bug to be fixed. I know several devices by the developer of that one aren’t working in Max9 due to a bug that’s been fixed in the latest beta of Max so it may just be related to that.