MaxAPI, CLASS_ATTR_LABEL vs. "no reference description available"
I am developing C source for multiple Max Objects targeting in specific Max for Live environments but not only, my code would work in Max in general as well.
Did an Arpeggiator with unusual timings, creating my own clock,
Voice splitter that knows which voice of a chord is which to spread
and an Object that finds subpatchers `varname` from inside subpatches to be used with Pattrstorage
subscribe subpatchername::varname
in greedy or non-greedy env.and lately some Object that does all the heavy lift of NRPN analysing, routing, register Controls and simultaneously CC midi mapping (hashtab lookup) for UI elements by extending certain Elements with Attributes to automatically accompany
Always find the same problem coding Attributes. They are nicely documented but not completely documented, in particular i try to find a way to actually write helping text that shall appear in Inspectors (i) when hovering an attribute. I certainly can declare Label and Style, Save, Datatype, symbol etc.. but until now it just tells "no reference description available" when i hover, and the documentation just gives a huge gap how that is supposed to be defined in code..
I'd expect in C something that follows the coding pattern like i do for label'ing attributes which looks like: CLASS_ATTR_LABEL(targetclass, "myattr", 0, "Super Label Text");
So maybe CLASS_ATTR_INFO(targetclass, "myattr", 0, "cool reference description available");
or CLASS_ATTR_LABEL_HINT(targetclass, "myattr", 0, "cool reference description available");
and similar ... but noo, nowhere to find it documented how.. does someone know the line of code to write?
by the way the resulting patch looks like this short video snippet.. meant to control Oberheim 6 (DSI OB6) with NRPN and/or CC simultaneously. The clue is my code makes it possible to fade 256 values at once in NRPN (4times the amount of data of normal CC)
here how the editor looks like with open added attributes "MIDI NRPN" and "MIDI CC", the tiny (i) icon tooltip text is what want to solve today..