Problem with controlling M4l device via Midi

Dave Dave's icon

Hi there!

I'm just starting out with M4L, so please excuse if this is a silly problem.
I want to control playback in Ableton via a M4L device and have this in turn be controlled with my Midi controller. So, to give an example, I press a C1 on the controller which I mapped to a "play" button on the M4L device which in turn tells Ableton to, in this example, "start playback".
Now, the problem I keep running into is this:
When I press the Midi controller, it does trigger the M4L button - but only every other time. Or, to be more precise, it doesn't "untrigger" it when I release the controller so that it is immediately ready to fire again. However, when I press the same M4L button not via the Midi controller but directly with my mouse, the M4L device triggers every time without fail.
I reckon there should be a way to remedy this? please help :)

cheers, dave

Florent Ghys's icon

click on the live.button, open the inspector, at the bottom of the page change “Bang when Transition from” to both, that should solve your problem

Dave Dave's icon

That did it, thanks so much! I built a very simple max device to trigger "play" via a button, which now works as supposed.
New problem found though - sometimes (completely at random, it seems) when I jump to cue and press play, some of the audio clips don't start playing, as in, the channel is active, nothing is solo'ed, but no output out of this one random channel. After I pressed stop and then play again, the track plays as normal. This problem disappears when I take all instances of the max for live device out of the project. Any ideas what I can do to the device to stop this behaviour?

Florent Ghys's icon

which device are you using? it’s difficult to help without a patch

Dave Dave's icon

I built a simple device myself - basically it's just a button -> "call start_playing" -> "live.object" -> "live.path live_set".

chapelier fou's icon

It has always been a problem.

My workaround is to add a [del 50] and a "set 0" message going back to the button.

This way it forces itself to be in the "off" position (which is weird since it's a bang, but it must have a UI reason).