RNBO~ Export to AU worked... no longer works, other new patch weirdness
I had this RNBO~ export to AU plugin that worked well as needed for a personal project and recently the exported version stopped functioning and I can't figure out what happened here. Something must have changed with RNBO that I missed? I recently did an update from version I Don't Know Unfortunately and something has changed. Anyway, here's the details.
Firstly, the RNBO began putting out a full signal +67.9db on initialization. [scope~] out from RNBO shows a flat DC output. I have no idea what changed. No changes were made to an older saved version and this behavior happened with that as well. So either an RNBO change or a bug? Clueless.
Secondly, the object [param RateHz 4.5 @minimum 0.1 @maximum 16 @displayname Rate @unit hz @tonormalized log2(value / 20) / 10 @displayorder 5] is no longer compiling to AU properly. In the AU plugin version the initial value is displayed as "Rate .1" and cannot be changed. Previously this was not the case. (edit: I changed the order of attributed so that @tonormalized was the last attribute and THAT worked fine, audio still borked)
Thirdly, the compiled version shows up as Stereo or Dual Mono. I'm not sure how this is implemented but this should be a patch-maker settable flag?