Switch Presets using Monome Grid

lazy circuit's icon

Hi all.

I have Monome Grid 64 and I connected it to max msp.

I want to switch presets in my patch, using "Preset" object by pressing buttons on Grid64. Please tell me how to do this?

I'm looking at Grid Study. They use the "matrixctrl" object. How can I do the same thing but with a Preset?

help me please

👽'tW∆s ∆lienz👽's icon

here's one way, bitshifting and adding to format the x/y coordinates of grid/matrix into consecutively increasing integers for preset object:

here's the modded patch:

Max Patch
Copy patch and select New From Clipboard in Max.

hope it helps 🍻

edit - but keep in mind, you might not actually want to track the visual of the preset 'number' in the same matrixctrl as shown in the pic above, that can get confusing due to the fact that preset object is not actually a matrix(just looks like one depending on how you orient it when created)... also will get confusing when you save different presets 'on' and forget to save others as 'off', etc.

Source Audio's icon

this should be easy, or not ?

monome, touch OSC, anything that has matrix based GUI

translates into x * number of columns + y.

that would be zero based.

to shift to 1 based, as needed for preset object add + 1 in expression