Max for Institutions and Enterprises
Whether you are interested in purchasing multiple licenses for a team, studio, lab, or classroom setting, we offer numerous options to fit your specific needs. Contact our Sales Support team to discuss solutions that work for you.
Using Max in the Classroom
Tools for the Future
Preparing students for the future isn't just a matter of learning software and programming languages, but also understanding what software is doing. Max prepares students to think critically about systems and the integration of both new and old technologies.
Integrated Features
Max comes with over 1,000 objects that provide the ability to synthesize and process sound, explore sequencing and automation, develop UI/UX, generate graphics, manipulate data, and communicate with hardware.
Ideas in Practice
Max has been used at universities and research institutions to explore new ideas since its initial creation in the 1980s. The Max SDK and code integration features - along with the built-in realtime tools - make Max a great environment for proving and prototyping new technologies.
Admin Options
Activation Codes
Administrators can use our online license management portal to generate Activation Codes, which can then be distributed to students to authorize user accounts on either a permanent or temporary basis. Students can use Max by logging into their account on both personal and lab machines.
A Key File is a machine-specific authorization generated using our online license management portal. Once installed on a machine, Max will be authorized for any user, making it an ideal option to deploy in computer lab environments.
KeyServer is a third-party server-based solution that allows on-demand licensing of Max across any number of machines from a server on your local network. Contact the KeyServer developer Sassafras Software for more information about server pricing and features.
Max is compatible with the industry-standard iLok hardware copy protection device from PACE Anti-Piracy. Once a license has been written to the hardware, it can be plugged into the USB port of any machine to authorize Max without an internet connection.
Quantity Pricing
The prices listed below are per-item, and quantities are cumulative (not per order). These price listings are offered for your convenience. To inquire about quantity purchasing and find the best solution for your needs, please get in touch through our sales contact form.
Permanent Licenses
1-9 | 10-49 | 50+ | |
Max | $399 | $299 | $249 |
RNBO | $299 | $282 | $180 |
Max 9 Upgrade | $199 | $149 | $125 |
Annual Subscriptions
1-9 | 10-49 | 50+ | |
Max | $120 / year | $96 / year | $72 / year |
RNBO | $100 / year | $85 / year | $68 / year |