Cannot connect ROLI Lightpad M to BLOCKS package objects

TremensS's icon

Hey there!

Just bought a ROLI Lightpad M and cannot connect it to Max Blocks object from the ROLI Blocks package.

- I downloaded the Blocks Dashboard and updated firmware of the Lightpad to 0.4.2
- I downloaded the latest Blocks package in Package Manager
- my Max 7 is up to date (7.3.4 64bit on Win10)
- the block is connected over USB, and does charging properly

If I use the Blocks Dashboard all communications seem fine: it does show finger touches in real-time, I can update the pad's mode etc.
But in Max, whatever object or help file that I open will say "not connected to any block". I do verify that the midiout object points to the proper MIDI port of the Lightpad.

In MIDI tester I do see MIDI input from the Lightpad properly. Same if I put a "midiin" node with a "mpeparse", I see all the data coming in properly.

But all "native" Roli objects from the official Blocks package are broken for me.

I can't find any similar connection issues on the forum.

Thanks for your help!

Gerry Straathof's icon

I am having this problem as well with a brand new Lightpad M. I can get midi information, but none of the gee-whiz golly-wow role lightpad related animations or visual feedback (and none of the Blocks patches work)

I updated my lightpad firmware to the latest the first thing I did. I also used the Blocks app to play a bit. I was surprised I could not deselect anything on the blocks app. Has this hardcoded my lightpad to no longer work with max?

I have two days left on my Max trial (earlier issue with a dead lightpad) and I would like to use the software during those final two days.

TremensS's icon

Hey Gerry

It seems the Lightpad M introduces a few changes in how it communicates with Max, compared with the original Lightpad.
In parallel to my original post here I used the "Report a problem with this package" from the pack screen, and the support team replied to me with a link to their current Beta package for the Lightpad M, which does work for me, apart from a couple of minor bugs they warned be about.

You can probably get access to it as well if you request it to the support team!

Hope this helps,

Gerry Straathof's icon

Thank you. they were kind enough to provide me with a copy as well, and I have been trying to play with it.

carmen falisi's icon

Help! I am having the same trouble!

Max Gardener's icon

Carmen, read the above and follow Tremenss' advice.

Jonas Dinsen's icon

Does anyone know if this has been fixed yet? I'm experiencing the same problem.

Max Gardener's icon

It has. Check the Package Manager for the update. What I don't recall has to do with whether firmware updates are necessary for the devices - I don't think so, but I could be wrong.

Gerry Straathof's icon

This has been resolved. the latest version should be available on the Package Manager.
I do still have some problems with a conflict between the Blocks package and another, but I am unsure which one is causing conflict. I uninstalled/reinstalled max (windows 10) and it resolved itself.

I have had to do this a few times, and have just stopped downloading packages willy nilly without testing if Blocks still works between each package installation.

Jonas Dinsen's icon

Welp. The thing is that I actually just installed Max for the first time a couple of days ago, because I got 3 months for free when I bought the Lightpad. So the package I have installed should be the newest one. But maybe I'm doing something wrong - after all, as I said, I am completely new to Max.