fft hann window not working properly

Joachim Budweiser's icon

hi there

can someone confirm this? if i build my test-patch (doing nothing except for an fft and its inverse) as recommended in the rnbo-fft-tutorial https://rnbo.cycling74.com/learn/using-the-fft, the sound gets chopped/ring-moddy as if the windowing wasn't in phase. if i export to vst3, it has the same effect. is this a known bug or a windows-issue (win10)?

thanks and best regards


Sebastián Verea's icon

I'm having the same issue.
Did you find any solution to this?

Sebastián Verea's icon

By the way, I'm on Mac.

Joachim Budweiser's icon

hey, thanks for confirming that it's not a windows issue only. well, i will try the workaround in the first picture of this tutorial https://rnbo.cycling74.com/learn/using-the-fft

ruins the whole idea of having a built in windowing into the rnbo fft~ ...

Sebastián Verea's icon

Yup, I'm trying that one too.
Still can't make it work.

Sebastián Verea's icon

I'm getting worse results with that workaround.
Will let you know If I find a solution. I need to deliver a patch by wednesday.

Joachim Budweiser's icon

yes, please let me know, if you find a solution. good luck! i'm surprised,this workaround doesnt work...

Joachim Budweiser's icon

have you tred a buffersize of 512? 256 seems odd, why should the window be smaller than the fft?

Sebastián Verea's icon

It's supposed to overlap windows.
If your fft's size is 512 and you have 4 windows, the overlapping frame is 128.