Granulator~ example patch compilation errors in Xcode
Hi, I wanted to point out a potential issue exporting RNBO patchers containing Granulator~. During the build process (Xcode) I get:
Non-void function does not return a value in all control paths
It's a factory function using a classname if that helps, and other factory functions not containing granulator seem to be fine. The function in question involves @interp and the conditionals for specifying a mode. By adding a default to the end (either 0 or one of the conditional interp functions), the issue can be resolved and the code builds.
Here is the code with a manual patch at the very end.
template <typename T> inline SampleValue bufferreadsample(
T& buffer,
const SampleValue sampleIndex,
const Index channel,
const SampleIndex start,
const SampleIndex end,
const int interp
) {
if (sampleIndex < 0.0) {
return 0.0;
SampleIndex truncIndex = (SampleIndex)(trunc(sampleIndex));
if (interp == 5) {
return buffer->getSample(channel, truncIndex);
} else {
number frac = sampleIndex - truncIndex;
number wrap = end - 1;
if (interp == 0) {
SampleIndex index1 = (SampleIndex)(truncIndex);
if (index1 < 0)
index1 = wrap;
SampleIndex index2 = (SampleIndex)(index1 + 1);
if (index2 > wrap)
index2 = start;
return this->linearinterp(
buffer->getSample(channel, index1),
buffer->getSample(channel, index2)
} else if (interp == 1) {
SampleIndex index1 = (SampleIndex)(truncIndex - 1);
if (index1 < 0)
index1 = wrap;
SampleIndex index2 = (SampleIndex)(index1 + 1);
if (index2 > wrap)
index2 = start;
SampleIndex index3 = (SampleIndex)(index2 + 1);
if (index3 > wrap)
index3 = start;
SampleIndex index4 = (SampleIndex)(index3 + 1);
if (index4 > wrap)
index4 = start;
return this->cubicinterp(
buffer->getSample(channel, index1),
buffer->getSample(channel, index2),
buffer->getSample(channel, index3),
buffer->getSample(channel, index4)
} else if (interp == 6) {
SampleIndex index1 = (SampleIndex)(truncIndex - 1);
if (index1 < 0)
index1 = wrap;
SampleIndex index2 = (SampleIndex)(index1 + 1);
if (index2 > wrap)
index2 = start;
SampleIndex index3 = (SampleIndex)(index2 + 1);
if (index3 > wrap)
index3 = start;
SampleIndex index4 = (SampleIndex)(index3 + 1);
if (index4 > wrap)
index4 = start;
return this->fastcubicinterp(
buffer->getSample(channel, index1),
buffer->getSample(channel, index2),
buffer->getSample(channel, index3),
buffer->getSample(channel, index4)
} else if (interp == 2) {
SampleIndex index1 = (SampleIndex)(truncIndex - 1);
if (index1 < 0)
index1 = wrap;
SampleIndex index2 = (SampleIndex)(index1 + 1);
if (index2 > wrap)
index2 = start;
SampleIndex index3 = (SampleIndex)(index2 + 1);
if (index3 > wrap)
index3 = start;
SampleIndex index4 = (SampleIndex)(index3 + 1);
if (index4 > wrap)
index4 = start;
return this->splineinterp(
buffer->getSample(channel, index1),
buffer->getSample(channel, index2),
buffer->getSample(channel, index3),
buffer->getSample(channel, index4)
} else if (interp == 7) {
SampleIndex index1 = (SampleIndex)(truncIndex - 2);
if (index1 < 0)
index1 = wrap;
SampleIndex index2 = (SampleIndex)(index1 + 1);
if (index2 > wrap)
index2 = start;
SampleIndex index3 = (SampleIndex)(index2 + 1);
if (index3 > wrap)
index3 = start;
SampleIndex index4 = (SampleIndex)(index3 + 1);
if (index4 > wrap)
index4 = start;
SampleIndex index5 = (SampleIndex)(index4 + 1);
if (index5 > wrap)
index5 = start;
SampleIndex index6 = (SampleIndex)(index5 + 1);
if (index6 > wrap)
index6 = start;
return this->spline6interp(
buffer->getSample(channel, index1),
buffer->getSample(channel, index2),
buffer->getSample(channel, index3),
buffer->getSample(channel, index4),
buffer->getSample(channel, index5),
buffer->getSample(channel, index6)
} else if (interp == 3) {
SampleIndex index1 = (SampleIndex)(truncIndex);
if (index1 < 0)
index1 = wrap;
SampleIndex index2 = (SampleIndex)(index1 + 1);
if (index2 > wrap)
index2 = start;
return this->cosineinterp(
buffer->getSample(channel, index1),
buffer->getSample(channel, index2)
// Added a default return value if none of the above conditions are met. Also works with one of the expressions from conditions
return 0.0;
Is there anything in the patcher I could do to prevent this? I've tried explicitly setting @interp on the granulator.
Thanks in advance!