Ben Bracken -
We've just released Max 9.0.2. This update fixes the new Jitter 'gi' pass effect, improves jit.ui.* object layout on Windows OS, as well...
We are happy to announce the release of RNBO 1.3.3, now available for download via the Max Package Manager. This update focuses on...
We are excited to announce the availability of our Eventide package for RNBO as a public beta. We’ve worked closely with Eventide to...
Roman Thilenius -
in electronics, the spectral density is the power of one frequency range in relation to the overall power, either for a short moment or for...
Manus Sweeney -
Hi, I cam across an m4l device FM Techre released about 15 years ago and although there is a webpage to purchase, I have received no...
FP -
Hello Raja, I'm writing here because I don't know how to contact you directly. I'm asking on another thread if you have this [fdn~] larsen...
Merlin Erdogmus -
Dear Support Team, I am writing to express my gratitude for addressing an issue I raised regarding the behavior of the Ctrl + Mouse...
axers fall -
[video showcase] sound design only with gen~
MakePatchesNotWar -
No! No cheating! Our reputation is on the line here
Adam Jablonski -
There is no viable way to secure software from being copied by random strangers. That's why you can easily find any paid...
Source Audio -
when you are at it, I asked someone who uses MK2 about XY pad. same as MK1 it has Multy-XY pad object. There is an example in factory...
Shane -
Thanks so much for sharing this! I have been playing with the RiTa example, and it works great in the patcher, but I'm not sure how to make...
Domenico Di Giosa -
Thanks again for your helpful reply Source! Well appreciated!