Extending Max

Enhance the Max environment with your own code, written in a language of your choice.


Use Javascript to develop utilities, extensions and user interface objects in Max. Using the Max API, you can also use Max objects within a script for procedural tasks.


The node.script object in Max hosts Node programs with full access to NPM. Node opens up a wealth of integrated features and libraries, with a special emphasis on web technologies.

C / C++

Build a compiled Max object using the classic Max SDK (C) or the Min Dev Kit (C++). C/C++ objects provide the best performance and access to all new Max features.


Gen provides a Max-like patching environment that compiles in realtime to efficient, running objects. The codebox element in Gen provides space for procedural code within your Gen patchers. Find the gen, gen~, jit.gen, jit.pix and jit.gl.pix objects to get started.

GLSL Shaders

Create efficient custom image filters, geometry and rendering programs (shaders) using the GLSL language. Shaders can be loaded in the jit.gl.slab and jit.gl.shader objects, or chained together using jit.gl.pass.


Create custom objects for Max, MSP, or Jitter hosted by the mxj/mxj~ objects. Java support in Max is installed separately and is maintained as an open source project.

Community Supported Languages

In addition to officially supported integrations, Max developers in the community have created Max wrappers for a variety of coding languages. These language extensions include Csound, Python, Ruby, Gibber, Scheme, and SuperCollider, along with many more.

Some of these may no longer be active projects but could provide a starting place for added programming support.

Share Your Creations with Max Packages

A Max Package is the recommended way to share and manage bundles of Max objects, examples, and documentation. Learn more.